Kim Rosin's Website

Still Lives

"Sweet Peas" by Kim Rosin "Still life wth blooming peonies and pomegranate" by Kim Rosin "Still life with grapefruit" by Kim Rosin "Fish for dinner" by Kim Rosin "Still life after an old master" by Kim Rosin "Peonies in a glass vase" by Kim Rosin "Cavolo Nero Flowers" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Camellias" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Foxglove" by Kim Rosin "Asian Pears" by Kim Rosin "Lily" by Kim Rosin "What to cook" by Kim Rosin "Stocks" by Kim Rosin "Cactus with magenta flowers" by Kim Rosin "Kitchen Still Life" by Kim Rosin "Garden bouquet" by Kim Rosin "Succulents II" by Kim Rosin "Succulents" by Kim Rosin "Favourite bowls" by Kim Rosin "Watermelon" by Kim Rosin "Vase with Poppies" by Kim Rosin "Tulips in a Vase" by Kim Rosin "Nasturtiums" by Kim Rosin "Still life with home grown beetroot" by Kim Rosin "Window sill" by Kim Rosin "Vase with delphiniums" by Kim Rosin "Vase of Peonies" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Patty Pans" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Crysanthemums" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Squash and Cauliflower" by Kim Rosin "Yellow roses with cat" by Kim Rosin "Yellow Bunch" by Kim Rosin "Nasturtiums" by Kim Rosin "Squash" by Kim Rosin "Nasturtiums" by Kim Rosin "Still Life" by Kim Rosin "Peonies" by Kim Rosin "Pansies" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Artichokes" by Kim Rosin "Anthuriums" by Kim Rosin "Daffodils in blue vase" by Kim Rosin "Grapefruit" by Kim Rosin "Bouillabaisse" by Kim Rosin "Tomatoes" by Kim Rosin "Flowers" by Kim Rosin "Sunflower Study" by Kim Rosin "Purple Poppies" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Strawberries" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Sardines" by Kim Rosin "Tulips" by Kim Rosin "Sweet Peas" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Humming Bird" by Kim Rosin "Still life with dahlias" by Kim Rosin "Still Life with Bird" by Kim Rosin "Daffodils" by Kim Rosin
"Nasturtiums" by Kim Rosin
40" x 30"
Acrylic on wood
Cat no. 245