Welcome to Glenn Bohn's art gallery
Nature is my muse.
The stunning shapes and colours of wildlife and landscapes are my primary source of artistic inspiration.
I have enjoyed drawing and painting since I was a child. A high school teacher encouraged me to pursue art, but I studied social sciences at Simon Fraser University and journalism at Vancouver
Community College.
For three decades, I worked at The Vancouver Sun as a reporter and feature writer. My favourite beat: environmental issues.
Journalism gave me countless opportunities to visit outstanding natural areas, from the Galapagos Islands to Haida Gwaii, often with scientists and others as guides. My curiosity and love of independent travel took me to many countries, while freelancing or on vacation, to see everything from mountain gorillas in Rwanda to the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu.
I painted throughout my adult life, but became far more productive in
the last two decades.
In 2000, while vacationing in Atlantic Canada, I discovered a passion for painting outdoors, or plein air painting.
Since then, I’ve created hundreds of original oil, acrylic and watercolour paintings. I also enrolled in art courses and studio sessions offered by many excellent artists. I’m a member of the North
Shore Artists’ Guild.
To see my work, please click on the links under "Galleries," on the left side of each web page.
Thanks for your visit !